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Spring Cleaning Tips (1 of 4): Plan


Updated: Jun 24, 2022

Spring is often associated with cleaning up and clearing out to make room for beautiful rebirth and new growth. In this series, I give you tips and tools to make your Spring Cleaning process more of a joy and less of a chore. But, of course, you are empowered to create a new beginning any time you choose!

Tip #1: Start with a plan.

Spring Cleaning is a project, and projects require planning. To create your plan, remember the 3 T’s: Time, Tools and your Top 3 Priorities.


Reserve time on your calendar for Spring Cleaning. Have you ever noticed that good intentions are just that? If you’re really committed to taking action and getting results, the first step is locking down a time to do it. Actually write it on your calendar or enter it into your digital calendar and block off the time. This way, you can officially dedicate a couple hours to your Spring Cleaning! If necessary, call a friend or family member and ask them to hold you accountable for keeping your commitment.


Make sure you have the necessary tools and products on hand ahead of time. You won’t get very far with your Spring Cleaning goals if you need a new mop or you’re out of cleaner. Be sure to make a list of anything you need to pick up at the store or order online before your Spring Cleaning appointment. Consider things like sponges, rags, all-purpose cleaner, furniture polish, window cleaner and spot remover. And, or course, make sure your vacuum is in working order!

Top 3 Priorities:

You don’t necessarily have to sterilize every inch of your residence to have a successful Spring Clean. Write down your top 2-3 priority areas and start from there. If you keep a pretty tidy home, then perhaps make deep cleaning certain areas your goal. Perhaps you are fortunate enough to have a housekeeper who cleans for you. In that case, maybe areas like the garage or the attic could use some extra attention. It could be that what you really need to target is decluttering more than actual cleaning. Or, maybe changing seasonal wardrobes could be your focus for Spring Cleaning.

Remember, you get to decide when, how and what gets accomplished during Spring Cleaning. Frankly, it doesn’t even have to be spring!

And when you are ready, the Element of Fun Organizing team is here to make your Spring Cleaning efforts a breeze!



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